Friday, August 5, 2011

Water De-Abundance

An article that was written by a classmate of mine, Kaylin J on her blog: Lone Star Austin Coalition, which I think is an important issue to the state of Texas as a whole due to the recent drought and extreme heat conditions state wide can be found here: Water De-Abundance

My comment about her article can be found at the link above or pasted below:

I agree with everything you posted. I think the local government as you stated truly needs to work on fining people who aren't following water conservation matters and others who are using bad practices. As I was jogging yesterday I passed one house who was watering their lawn in the heat of the day. Another lawn had a busted sprinkler head so instead of lightly spraying the lawn it was gushing water all over the place, clearly wasting it. If somebody could step in and fine them I'd sure that would be incentive enough to move their watering time towards the evening or morning when it would be much more affective for the lawn and repair any broken sprinkler heads.

I am also glad that the government is monitoring people that are deemed to be at high risk for danger due to the heat. This is a good step, but I think ourselves as a community should pride ourselves on occasionally checking up on our elderly neighbors and such to make sure they're doing ok. Also I think the state could step in when it comes to football. Two a day football practices out in this heat are no joke, and some football coaches definitely don't know when to call it quits or when to give the players a break. More education on this matter for coaches and the community would result in less heat related deaths of these players.

I think it's cool how you said you're taking up the city's offer to get new low-flow toilets. I think that's a great idea and if enough people do it, it would definitely help to conserve water. I know a principle that my parents practice in their house during times like this is kind of gross to some, but "if it's yellow let it mellow". That also helps to conserve water in a sense.

Perry's official praying for water hasn't been answered yet, so until then we do definitely need to make more of a conscious effort to conserve our water. Every little bit helps, even if it means your car may not be shiny for a few more weeks, it is important for the community.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Future of Energy

One thing my professors have been telling me more and more recently is that the problem of our generation is going to be providing energy for the world. This is one of my major interests. This is such a huge problem because of the energy required to satisfy the worlds needs is going to grow incredibly over the next few decades. I was initially a petroleum engineering major, but have recently switched to mechanical engineering because it is my very desire to help solve this problem in the future.

Texas is one of the states that produces the most oil in the U.S., it is in the upper echelon with states like California and Alaska. However, extracting and consuming all of this oil doesn't go without potential for harming the enviornment. Two articles I was reading shows exactly this:
It is tough to see that many people are suffering and affected by hazardous drilling techniques. If almost anything else was polluting peoples waters supplies I have no doubt in my mind that the state of Texas would step in and help to stop whatever was causing it. However, since it's gas and oil that is causing the contamination of drinking water backed by major oil companies it's unlikely the state will step in and that's truly unfortunate.

The step that the state ultimately needs to take is to encourage the growth of renewable energy sources. Whether this is subsidizing them or giving them other benefits, the state needs to back these efforts. Texas is a state where technology thrives and has many of the things necessary for these renewable energy sources. The sun is always shining, the wind is often blowing, and many rivers flow through Texas. Without encouraging the growth of these renewable resources the state of Texas and the world will continue to use more and more oil. This is a problem because many of the state and worlds oil reservoirs that are easy to access have already been depleted. With new technologies there are new methods to extract gas that lies even deeper in the Earth. Some of these can be dangerous and damaging to the environment.

A good read about the big picture of energy can be found at this article here:

I think that the state of Texas needs to stand up to some big oil companies to protect our environment and our future. Texas has a wide variety of resources and therefore should lead the country into a new era or energy that is powered by clean, green, and renewable resources. Doing so will be a lot better for the state of Texas as a whole. Researching and actually getting these projects going can be a bit costly so I think a portion of the budget should be dedicated to getting these projects started in Texas.